Pornography addiction and its impacts on intimate female partner…
Background and objectives:
Recent years have seen a surge of articles related to compulsive pornography consumption or pornography addiction, with experts warning of potentially detrimental consequences. Whereas much research has focused on the male consumers of pornography, fewer studies have examined the impacts of pornography-linked compulsive sexual behaviors (CSBs) on the wellbeing and experiences of female intimate partners. This paper addresses this gap in the literature.
A review of peer-reviewed journal publications was carried out examining pertinent quantitative and qualitative studies.
Results and discussion:
This narrative review concludes that compulsive pornography consumption is commonly identified in the literature as a stimulus for risky and uncontrolled sexual behaviors, which have the potential to spawn addictive behaviors, relationship challenges and cascading adverse societal repercussions. In synthesis, this review points to opportunities for in-depth qualitative empirical research on intimate female partner wellbeing.